

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Get Organized

I love morning walks with Isaac and, as you can see in the photo, he does too. I love to get outside in the morning because the air is so fresh and the sun is so happy and the scenery ain't so bad either. While on one of my walks a couple days ago I was thinking, as I do all the time about way too many things. I didn't really enjoy the walk because my mind was preoccupied with all the stuff I have to get done... make Isaac's food, go grocery shopping, vacuum, do laundry, clean the kitchen and bathrooms, work on Christmas gifts (starting early, I know), take a shower, and the list went on and on in my head. There are times where I feel so overwhelmed that I don't know what to do, so I sleep, haha! I have never been one to organize on paper or be organized at all. I guess you could say that I have had this list in my head and it has always worked... until now! I guess I could blame my forgetfulness on being a mom. Lists not only help forgetfulness, but they help me stay on task, keep my priorities straight, and actually feel like I have more time in the day when I use a list.

To the left is my example of how I might organize my week. Sunday is the only day Wess is free from work so I choose not to do house chores or grocery shopping on this day. Isaac and I just hang with daddy on Sundays. Due to the fact that I am new to being a mommy, it took me a while to come to the conclusion that I need to write things down, not on a napkin, but on paper in an organized list. A couple months back I made a list of house chores that I needed to get done and I got them all done in one day. It was a celebration every time I checked a chore off the list. Though it worked out really well, I did not continue with the list making, but I know I need to because this house is out of control! Usually I sleep during ONE of Isaac's naps, but yesterday I took a nap every time Isaac did taking 6 hours out of my day! Needless to say, things are getting done today and I'm working on making a printable chart for everyday duties. I recommend to all moms if you haven't obtained one already, something of this sort: a day planner, refrigerator calendar, dry-erase board... If I start this habit of making lists now, I believe life will be just a little easier when Isaac is older and we have another child.

Enjoy Motherhood!
Momma Root

Questions of the day:
How do you get organized? What helps you get stuff done?

1 comment:

  1. I am the master list maker :-) Having kids definitely has caused me to have to resort to writing everything down. With a household to run and homeschooling, I need lists to function properly (of course that's also after having my cup of coffee and morning devotions with the Lord). Keep up the awesome work mommy with your little one and eventually every falls in it's place and you will find your organizational groove.
    Lots of love,
    Jennifer G.
